
GET v3/addresses/{postcodeLookupId}

Returns the full address for a given ID

GET v3/addresses?postcode={postcode}

Returns a list of addresses matching a given postcode. (UK Addresses only)


GET v3/bands

Returns a list of price bands in the system


POST v3/basket/clear

Clears the contents of the current basket

PATCH v3/basket

To add additional information to the basket, such as a Customer, Promocode, Attributes and Delivery Methods

POST v3/basket/confirm

Confirms an order. This can only be used for zero-value orders.

GET v3/basket/payment

No documentation available.

GET v3/basket

Return the current contents of the Basket

GET v3/basket/potentialDiscount?membershipId={membershipId}

Returns pricing information about the current basket with the specified Membership added, without persisting the changes. This allows for the calculation of upsell information.

GET v3/basket/donations

Return details of the donations in the current basket

GET v3/basket/tickets

Return details of the tickets in the current basket

GET v3/basket/donations-to-prompt

Return the suggested donations for the current basket contents of the current customer

POST v3/basket/donations

Add a donation(s) to the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/donations

Remove a number of donations from the current basket

GET v3/basket/donations/{donationId}

Return the details of a specific donation in the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/donations/{donationId}

Remove a specific donation from the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/donations/{donationId}

Update the details of a specific donation in the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/donations

Update the details of a number of donations in the current basket

POST v3/basket/tickets

Add a ticket(s) to the current basket

GET v3/basket/merchandise

Return all merchandise items from the current basket

POST v3/basket/merchandise

Add items of merchandise to the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/merchandise

Remove a number of merchandise items from the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/merchandise/{merchandiseItemId}

Remove a specific merchandise item from the current basket

PUT v3/basket/merchandise

Replace all merchandise items in the current basket

GET v3/basket/gift-vouchers

Return all gift vouchers in the current basket

POST v3/basket/gift-vouchers

Add a gift voucher(s) to the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/gift-vouchers

Remove a number of gift vouchers from the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/gift-vouchers/{giftVoucherId}

Remove a specific gift voucher from the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/tickets

Remove specific tickets from the current basket

PUT v3/basket/gift-vouchers

Replace all gift vouchers in the current basket

GET v3/basket/gift-vouchers/{giftVoucherId}

Return the details of a specific gift voucher in the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/gift-vouchers

Update the details of a number of gift vouchers in the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/gift-vouchers/{giftVoucherId}

Update the details of a specific gift voucher in the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/tickets/{ticketId}

Update the detail of a specific ticket in the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/tickets

Update the details of a number of tickets in the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/merchandise/{merchandiseItemId}

Update the details of a specific merchandise item in the current basket

POST v3/basket/tickets/best-available

Add some best-available tickets from a reserved seating plan to the current basket

PUT v3/basket/tickets

Replace all the tickets in the current basket

GET v3/basket/membership-subscriptions

Return the details of all memberships in the current basket

POST v3/basket/membership-subscriptions

Add a number of memberships to the current basket

GET v3/basket/membership-subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Return the details of a specific membership in the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/membership-subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Amend the details of a specific membership in the current basket

PATCH v3/basket/membership-subscriptions

Amend the details of a number of memberships in the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/membership-subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Remove a specific membership from the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/membership-subscriptions

Remove a number of memberships from the current basket

PUT v3/basket/membership-subscriptions

Replace all memberships in the current basket

POST v3/basket/ticket-subscriptions

Add a number of ticket subscriptions to the current basket

GET v3/basket/ticket-subscriptions

Return all ticket subscriptions in the current basket

GET v3/basket/ticket-subscriptions/{ticketSubscriptionId}

Return the details of a specific ticket subscription in the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/ticket-subscriptions/{ticketSubscriptionId}

Remove a specific ticket subscription from the current basket

DELETE v3/basket/ticket-subscriptions

Remove multiple ticket subscriptions from the current basket


GET v3/countries

Return a list of countries

GET v3/countries/{isoCode}

Return a specific country


POST v3/customer?domain={domain}

Create a new customer record

GET v3/customer

Return the current customers record

PATCH v3/customer

Update details on the current customers record

POST v3/customer/authenticate

Log a customer into their online account

POST v3/customer/change-password

Allow the current user to change a password

POST v3/customer/set-password

Set a new password for the customer

POST v3/customer/forgot-password?emailAddress={emailAddress}&domain={domain}

Send a customer a password reset email

POST v3/customer/validate-password-link?token={token}

Validate a customers password reset token

POST v3/customer/deauthenticate

Log the current customer out of their online account

GET v3/customer/addresses

Return a list of the current customers stored address details

POST v3/customer/addresses

Add a new address to the current customers record

PUT v3/customer/addresses

Replace all current addresses on the current customers record

PUT v3/customer/addresses/{addressId}

Amend an address on the current customers record

PATCH v3/customer/addresses/{addressId}

Amend an address on the current customers record

DELETE v3/customer/addresses

Remove a number of addresses from the current customers record

DELETE v3/customer/addresses/{addressId}

Remove a specific address from the current customers record

GET v3/customer/tags

Return the current users tags

POST v3/customer/tags

Add a new tag to the current customers record

PUT v3/customer/tags

Replace all current tags on the current customers record

DELETE v3/customer/tags/{tagId}

Remove a specific tag from the current customers record

GET v3/customer/agreed-statements

Return the current customers contact preferences

POST v3/customer/agreed-statements

Add a contact preference to the current customers record

PUT v3/customer/agreed-statements

Replace all contact preferences on the current customers record

DELETE v3/customer/agreed-statements/{statementId}

Remove a specific contact preference from the current customers record

DELETE v3/customer/agreed-statements

Remove a number of contact preferences from the current customers record

GET v3/customer/print-at-home-documents

Returns a list of etickets for the current customer

GET v3/customer/orders

Return the current customers order history

GET v3/customer/stored-cards

Return the current customers stored cards

DELETE v3/customer/stored-cards/{cardId}

Remove a specific stored card from the current customers record


GET v3/events?instanceStart_from={instanceStart_from}&instanceStart_to={instanceStart_to}&instanceInterface={instanceInterface}&onSale={onSale}&name={name}

Returns details of specific events in the system

GET v3/events/{id}

Returns the details of a specific event

GET v3/events/{id}/instances?start_from={start_from}&start_to={start_to}&interface={interface}

Returns a list of instances for a specific event


GET v3/funds

Returns a list of available funds that can be donated too


GET v3/instances?startFrom={startFrom}&startTo={startTo}&interface={interface}&eventName={eventName}

Returns a list of specific instances

GET v3/instances/{id}

Returns the details of a specific instance

GET v3/instances/{id}/plan

Returns the current plan information for an instance

GET v3/instances/{id}/status?includeLockInformation={includeLockInformation}&includeChildPlans={includeChildPlans}

Returns an overview of the current availability status for an instance

GET v3/instances/{id}/status/detail?includeLockInformation={includeLockInformation}&includeChildPlans={includeChildPlans}

Returns a detailed view of the availability of each seat for an instance. See here for a description of the response format.

GET v3/instances/{id}/status/areas/{areaId}/detail?includeLockInformation={includeLockInformation}&includeChildPlans={includeChildPlans}

Returns a detailed view of the availability of each seat for a specific area for an instance. See here for a description of the response format.

GET v3/instances/{id}/status/areas/{areaId}?includeLockInformation={includeLockInformation}&includeChildPlans={includeChildPlans}

Returns an overview of the current availability status of a specific area for an instance

GET v3/instances/{id}/status/areas?includeLockInformation={includeLockInformation}&includeChildPlans={includeChildPlans}

Returns an overview of the current availability status of a number of specific areas for an instance

GET v3/instances/{id}/best-available?quantity={quantity}

Returns the current best available seats for an instance for the number specified

GET v3/instances/{id}/price-list

Returns the current price list in use for an instance


GET v3/memberships

Return a list of available Memberships


GET v3/offers?instanceStart_from={instanceStart_from}&instanceStart_to={instanceStart_to}&eventName={eventName}&promoCode={promoCode}

Return a list of available offers


GET v3/plans/{id}

Returns a specific seating plan

GET v3/plans

Returns a list of seating plans and seat information for each


GET v3/postcode-lookup/{postcodeLookupId}

Returns address information for a specific postcode id

GET v3/postcode-lookup?postcode={postcode}

Returns a list of addresses and ids for a given postcode


GET v3/print-at-home-documents/{id}

Returns a specific e-ticket from the current user


GET queue-status/{eventId}

No documentation available.


GET v3/statements

Returns a list of Contact Preferences


GET v3/stock-items

Returns a list of Merchandise items


GET v3/supported-barcode-encodings

Returns a list of supported barcode types


GET v3/tag-groups

Returns a list of Tags and the Tag groups they sit under


GET v3/ticket-subscription-structures

Return a list of ticket subscriptions that can be purchased


GET v3/ticket-types

Returns a list of ticket types


GET v3/tribute-types

Returns a list of tribute types to be used when adding a donation


GET v3/venues

Returns a list of Venues

GET v3/venues/{id}

Returns a specific Venue using a Venue id