FREE EVENT - Beyonce Tribute Reyonce

Pavilion Gardens - Free Entry

Tables and chairs will be provided but are limited. Feel free to bring your own chairs along for outside.

Please note only food and drink purchased from the Pavilion can be consumed in our gardens or on the premises.

In the event of poor weather this event will be moved indoors.

Beyonce tribute act Vicky performs with awesome vocals and iconic choreography, this incredible show features the awesome Victoria as Beyonce. Not only a gifted singer and dancer, Victoria captures the ‘sass and vibrant persona’ of this Star making her an absolute class act who makes a real connection with the audience, ensuring they all get involved.

Music starts from 12.30pm with our resident DJ Rockin Lee

Beyonce Tribute 1.30pm

Dates and times

Call for availability if you are a wheelchair user or need additional assistance.

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